Meet Our Team
The Preschool Committee
President- Alison Lawrence
Vice president- Katie Crotty
Treasurer- Ang Hines
Secretary- Mark Hurtz
Patron- Mrs Valerie Melling
Public Officer -Joanne Crotty
The Preschool Team
Jules Hennessy
Director/Nominated Supervisor
Diploma of Children’s Services
Leonie Crowe
Educator/ Compliance and WH&S Officer.
Diploma of Children’s Services
Joanne Crotty
Book-keeper/ HR
Candice Potter
Educator/Educational Leader
Diploma of Children’s Services
Lauren Wicks
Diploma of Children’s Services
Karyn Giammichele
Diploma of Children’s Services.
Wendy Geihe
Diploma of Children’s Services
Anna Bain
Working towards Cert 111 in
Children’s Services.
Talen Kelly
Trainee Educator
Working towards Cert 111 in
Children’s Services.
Megan Donges
Casual Support Worker/Volunteer