First Day

​All children must be toilet trained. Due to staffing levels and the absence of nappy changing facilities, we are unable to enrol children who are not yet toilet trained. This means that children must be out of any type of nappy or pull-up, unless a specific reason exists for lack of complete toilet training. If such reason exists parents must discuss them with the Director prior to commencement.
Separation from home and saying goodbye to Mum, Dad or Carer can cause real anxiety for some Preschoolers. To ensure that your child has a happy, relaxed and confident entry into Preschool, we need your cooperation.
Try to have at least one or more pre-entry visits with your child to Preschool.
Talk to your child about what will happen during the day (see daily routine).
Be positive!!! Do not allow your own anxieties to be seen by your child, as he/she may mirror your feelings and become distressed unnecessarily.
Coach your child to follow a hygienic toilet routine (tell the Preschool staff if your child may need assistance to wipe his/her bottom).
Learn the Preschool Educator’s names with your child.
After the first day, find a routine of settling your child and stick to it where possible. This means you are encouraged to spend time to settle your child in the morning until he/she builds a rapport with at least one Preschool Educator.
When it is time to leave, hand over your child to one of the Preschool Educators. (Draw your child’s attention to the Educator and ensure that the Educator takes over from you. It is important that there is an adult to provide support and comfort while you leave and the child watches you).
Maintain your confidence
If your child becomes distressed, try to resist turning back.
Call us 5 minutes after you leave to ensure your child has recovered and is settling.
If you don’t call and your child continues to cry, we will call you and decide together what to do next.
Be assured that every effort will be made to reassure, comfort and divert your child’s attention.
We will never leave a crying child alone. One of us will be there.
Please avoid dragging out the goodbye.
Help your child make connections: find out who they enjoyed playing with and invite them to play out of Preschool hours.
Share observations and any concerns with Preschool Educators.
Some children are at ease and comfortable from the beginning. However, most children will demonstrate anxieties in a variety of ways. Please discuss your child’s way of dealing with this transition with the Educators, who are trained professionals, able and always available to help with your concerns.
The Preschool opens at 8.00am and closes at 3.30pm.
Please note that children must be collected by 3.30pm, as we are not licensed to have children on the premises after this time.
Remember to encourage your child to wash his/her hands on arrival and departure to reduce the risk of cross-infection.
A sign in/out sheet is located on the veranda in the Preschool room. Children must be signed ‘in’ stating the actual time of arrival and ‘out’ each day the child attends as required by the Regulations governing all NSW Centre-based facilities. Signing in is also an important safety measure as the sign in sheets are used as the roll in an emergency.
We recommend that parents endeavour to arrive before 9.00am to ensure that your child can participate in the morning rituals that foster the child’s sense of membership to his or her group.
You are welcome to collect your Preschooler between 3.00-3.30pm. Children are usually participating in an end of day story, game or quiet time.
Please make sure that you document names and contact details of people who are authorised to collect your child. This includes changes to bus or normal routine. NO child under any circumstances will be released to anyone who is not listed as a person authorised to collect on the enrolment form unless we have received written permission prior from you. All people authorised to collect must be a minimum of 18 years of age. They must provide photo ID the first time they collect your child on your behalf, unless you introduce them in advance in person, to the Preschool staff.
If your arrangements alter during the day please call the Preschool. If there is an emergency and you or an authorised person is unable to pick up your child, please call the Director and if you are able, please send a email stating your name, your child’s name and the person who will be collecting your child (they must bring photo I.D.) Please also include a number where you can be reached.
Preschool mobile number is 0437 675 034 or email: admin@tenterfieldpreschool.com.au
or contact the Director: director@tenterfieldpreschool.com.au
Please send the following items with your children and ensure that their belongings have been labeled with their name.
Bag or backpack – It is important that this bag is big enough to carry all of your child’s belongings and that the child’s name is clearly visible on the outside of the bag (it is also important that they can open and close it themselves).
Hats are essential – Please choose one that gives your child protection from the sun, fits well and stays on. Full Brim. NO CAPS. Preschool has hats for sale at $12 each, please see the office should you wish to purchase one.
Fruit Break – A piece of fresh fruit.
Morning Tea – Such as fruit and crackers with cheese or vegemite, popcorn, homemade biscuits/muffins/cakes (not chocolate or cacao please), rice crackers.
Lunch – Such as sandwiches with non-sweet fillings, pasta, salad, cheese and fruit.
Spare clothes – To allow for a change in the weather and accidents requiring a change of clothes. Please ensure that they are seasonally appropriate and remember how quickly your child grows.
What NOT to bring
Please do not send the following:
Chocolate/Nutella or Cacao.
Drinks – Please do not send poppers/cordial or milk. Filtered water will be available to refill your child’s drink bottle anytime during the day.
Food items such as chips, muesli bars, roll-ups, chocolate/cocoa/cacao, and other items, which may cause tooth decay.
Toys and small jewellery items.
Handkerchiefs - Tissues are provided by the Preschool.
IMPORTANT! Please keep the number of belongings that you expect your child to manage at Preschool to a minimum
and ensure they know their own belongings.
Please dress your child/ren in non-restrictive comfortable and easy to wash clothing suitable for messy play.
Although every effort is made to protect your Preschoolers clothes accidents do occur when children are learning and exploring. It is anticipated that paint may escape the apron onto clothing. We encourage messy sensory play for emotional health and fine motor development. Therefore, we ask you to encourage your Preschooler’s participation in these types of activities by providing appropriate clothing.
In accordance with our Sun Protection Policy, when outdoors, educators and children will wear sun safe clothing that covers as much of the skin (especially the shoulder’s, back and stomach) as possible. The following clothing will be recommended to families as suitable for outdoor play at Preschool.
This includes wearing:
Loose fitting shirts and dresses with sleeves and collars or covered neckline.
Longer style skirts, shorts and trousers.
Children who are not wearing sun safe clothing will be provided with spare clothing.
Please note: Midriff, crop or singlet tops do not provide enough sun protection and therefore are not recommended and discouraged.
Children and educators are encouraged to wear close fitting, wrap around sunglasses that meet the Australian Standard 1067 (Sunglasses: Category 2, 3 or 4) and cover as much of the eye area as possible. Children will be allowed to wear similar eye protection if supplied by parents.
Please label every item of clothing including shoes so that every item discarded can find their way back to the rightful owner. Use a permanent marker – this is just as effective a commercially manufactured labels.
Educators will encourage the children to store discarded clothing in their bags. Please check the lost property basket should you lose an item of clothing and let staff know as soon as possible.
Any lost property not claimed by the end of the term will be added to the Preschools spare clothing or donated to charity.