Funding & Fees
The Tenterfield Preschool Kindergarten Inc Management Committee reviews its fees annually.
Fees are payable to finance the difference between government funding, the operating cost of the Preschool and are payable in advance by term accounts. The Management Committee aims to keep fees to the minimum amount required to meet all Preschool expenses.
Fees are payable for the full number of sessions for which the child is enrolled whether he/she attends or not.
Non-payment of fees by the due date may mean that your child cannot attend Preschool until payment is received.
Payment can be made to the Preschool by cheque, cash or by direct deposit or Centrelink Direct Payment
The NSW Government Education and Communities “Start Strong” initiative states that funding will be targeted to children in their year before school and to disadvantaged children aged 3 and over who attend 600 hours per year (15 hours per week). This means that children eligible for a funded Preschool place under the new Preschool funding model will be either:
4 years old on or before 31 July in that preschool year and not yet in compulsory schooling and attending 600 hours per year (15 hours per week); or
3 years old on or before 31 July in that preschool year and from a disadvantaged background (i.e. from a low income Health Care Card holding family and/or Aboriginal) and attending 600 hours per year (15 hours per week).
Annual membership of the Incorporated Body is $5.80 applied in first term.
Preschool Fees for 2023 are:
-Annual administration fee is $52.40 + gst
-Annual Inclusion welcome pack $52.40 + gst
-Building fund levy is $15.80/term
-$28.50/day for non-equity families and $21.30/day for Equity
Casual day charged at same rate as your normal day
In accordance with our Fees Policy, fees for each term are payable by the end of week 3. Accounts will be prepared and sent to families three weeks before the due date. Fees are to be paid by cheque, postal order, cash or direct deposit.
Extensions for time will be considered if discussed with the Director/Management Committee for consideration before the due date. A fee payment schedule will be issued in agreement with the Payee and Director/Management Committee. Repayments are to be completed by the end of the relevant term.
Department of Education Fee relief funding 2023.
The Start Strong for Community Preschools program provides funding to deliver affordable quality preschool education for 3 to 5 year old children enrolled in eligible community and mobile preschools in NSW.
From 2023, fee relief for families announced as “Affordable Preschool” in the context of the NSW Government's Early Years Commitment will be integrated into Start Strong and provide community and mobile preschools with sustainable long-term funding to deliver at least 600 hours of low, or no cost preschool to eligible children.
Start Strong for Community Preschools funding is provided for children in the two years before school and supports enrolment of at least 600 hours per year or 15 hours per week. Evidence shows that this level of participation in a quality early childhood education program in the two years before school is associated with better outcomes for children.
Full fee relief will be passed onto families in 2023 which means children who attend 2 days and 3 days will be fee free. You will receive and invoice at the beginning of each term stating the days your child attends, the daily rate and the fee relief applied.